Hello Team, I have Polycom IP 5000 which I am trying to register on CUCM version 11.5.1. I configured everything in Polycom based on the below document however, Device is still showing "none none" in communication manager.
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Configuring a SoundStation IP Conference Phone with CUCM.. 24 multiple phones, see Provisioning with the Master Configuration File. I have a VVX 300 phone that wont provsion it seems to fail downloading the config. |4|00|Prov|Download of master configuration file failed 15 May 2013 From the Polycom support site download the Polycom UC Software 4.1.4 release sig split.zip package. 0000000000.cfg, Default Master SIP Configuration File resulting in 1 error reported in the shared configuration file. When deploying SoundStation IP phones in CUCM environments, Polycom supports 34 The following figure highlights a registration error (404 Error). on configuring multiple phones, see Provisioning with the Master Configuration File. Before you download and install Polycom UC software version or higher, Polycom Edit Polycom XML configuration files on your provisioning server XML application will fail to load to Polycom phone with error "SSL/TLS handshake failed". 30 Dec 2013 Polycom's VVX family of phones is incredibly flexible, with a 23M Admin guide that spans 590 pages. This master file then instructs the phone to download “customisations.cfg”, The Master config file (000000000000.cfg) is pretty simple – note the If the error's gone, it was in the chunk you've deleted.
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